Horror Movie Review: Hulu's Flesh and Blood

Hulu's second installment of their daring 12 month's of Halloween series continues with the film "Flesh and Blood." The movie stars Dermot Mulroney and Diana Silvers as a father and daughter during the days surrounding Thanksgiving. The daughter has developed agoraphobia while grieving due to the murder of her mother that has still yet to be solved. She is seeing a therapist an an attempt to get past these emotions but, new fears and paranoias slowly creep in. To tell you any more would ruin the meat of the story 

I didn't enjoy the first installment of the 12 month's of Halloween series so, I didn't have high hopes for this one. However, within the first 20 minutes, I was pleasantly surprised at how drawn into the movie I was. The pacing keeps your attention. There are plenty of opportunities for the film to get stale and boring since it isn't a thriller that depends on jumps scares. Flesh and Blood works hard to maintain its Hitchcock feel and it pays off up until the shocking ending. 

It's refreshing to see actor Dermot Mulroney play a different and more complex character compared to the romantic or light-hearted dramatic roles he has done in the pass. Young actress Silvers holds her own as well. Although Silver's character does slip into some common stereotypes that can be found in movies featuring young and vulnerable characters, she plays the character earnestly which avoids the her character from becoming annoying. You feel the daughter's heightened sense of danger building stronger and stronger through each new revelation she goes through. It kept me on the edge of my seat.

There's just enough shock value to please horror fans without rendering itself pointless or gratuitous. Some shocking moments (I would not call them jump scares) made me always curious of what is to come next.

This installment of the 12 Months of Halloween is enough for me to view each month's installment with anticipation. If you didn't like The Body, or like I thought it was a half-ass attempt at black comedy, give Flesh and Blood a shot. There's nothing comedic about it but, it will make you take  a second look at those close to you.

You can now stream Flesh and Blood on Hulu.
