Netflix TV Horror Show Review: Creeped Out

A series of spellbinding, enchanting and intriguing tales that will bring chills to the back of the neck. Different characters must navigate their way through the unexplained.

Creeped Out feels like the family alternative to Black Mirror but, don't let that stop you from enjoying this chilling yet, fun show if you're an adult. I stumbled upon it, under the "recommendation" section and decided to give it a try. After all, I have a weak spot for anthologies and strange stories. I'm really glad that I gave this show a shot. It's a mix between famous anthologies such as Twilight Zone, Black Mirror and Goosebumps for a younger generation. It was nice to see a sci-fi/horror anthology show without all of the sex and explicit language we've grown so accustomed to. Although some segments do get rather spooky, I would have no problems with sitting down with my child (if I had one) and watching Creeped Out.

The music is pretty spooky along with some really impressive cinematography for a show geared towards young people. It doesn't sell it's young audience short and presents them with a program worthy of their attention.  I was hooked from the very first episode. My favorite episodes of season 1 were:

  1. Marti- A girl is very glued to her cellphone and desires to join the "cool kids." When she gets a new phone, all of her dreams come true. But there are consequences to her new found fame. This tale is so timely considering how obsessed people are with their phones.
  2. Trolled-We all hate internet trolls, don't we? Unless of course. you are one yourself. This episode features a young man who's the online troll on his private school's website. Although the finale is hinted at, it is not at all what I expected. If only more trolls were handled in such-a-way.
  3. Cat Food- A boy tricks his mom into giving him the day off from school. While spying on the old lady across the street, he gets way more then he bargained for. Stay in school kids!

What's unique about this show is the fact that it delivers moral tales without beating you over the head with it. This is hard to find with children shows. A young person can be shocked, wowed and learn a good lesson while viewing Creeped Out. As an adult, I greatly enjoyed binge watching this during the Halloween season and I was so excited to learn on Wikipedia that there will be a season 2.

Need something to watch with the kids after Trick-or-Treating on Halloween night? Watch Creeped Out. Just want something new to add to your October binge watching list? Watch  Creeped Out. Are you getting the message here? If you love horror/sci-fi WATCH CREEPED OUT!

