Shudder Thriller Movie Review: The Corpse of Anna Fritz

Warning: The Subject Matter of This Movie is Very Disturbing

A beautiful young actress has died and she is being kept at an undisclosed morgue. A morgue employee takes pictures of Anna Fritz's body and sends it to his friends. His friends race down to the morgue with one friend interested in getting in some "private time" with the dead actress. What happens from there has to be seen to believed.

This is one of the most uncomfortable plot lines I've ever witnessed. The original description of the film does not prepare you for what you're about to view but, let me assure you this film does explore the topic of necrophilia. Even for the most hard-core horror fan, I found a few scenes uncomfortable to watch. This film definitely comes with a trigger warning. I was not triggered but, I can totally see how others could be. I wish some of the "uncomfortable" scenes would have had a shorter running time. It's not necessary for them to run as long as they did; you understand the vileness of what is happening right away.

I was not sure where the film was headed beyond this. Were the men going to spend the rest of the film feeling guilty about their actions or was this going to turn into some weird zombie revenge film? There is really no way to tell. What does end up happening is an intense psychological ride with a set of characters so repulsive you only want the worst for them. If committing necrophilia wasn't enough,  each action they take makes them less and less redeemable.

The performances in this film are strong. The atmosphere is as claustrophobic and vile as the characters themselves so, you never get a chance to be dislodged from the continual dread. This film is only 76 minutes long but, it still feels like it runs the risk of running on empty. It might have worked better as a 25-minute short film. As sick and vile as the premise is, it's still psychologically intriguing and might have packed an even bigger punch if the run-time had been cut. The director does a great job at the pacing but, it still drags a tiny bit. The end is psychologically terrifying by leaving your mind open to what could possibly happen next.

The Corpse of Anna Fritz is available for streaming exclusively on It's a great streaming service for horror fans at just $4.99 a month. Another one of their exclusive films I enjoyed is Mayhem if you enjoyed The Belko Experiment, you're going to want to check this one out.
